At Wellington College Independent School Jakarta, safeguarding your privacy rights is of paramount importance. We offer the following terms to clarify how we collect and utilize the information you provide when accessing our website, enabling you to make informed decisions about its usage.

We have created this statement to emphasize our unwavering dedication to your privacy. When you visit our site, we do not collect personally identifying information about you unless you willingly provide such details to us. The decision to provide such information is entirely voluntary.

This policy serves as your guide regarding how we will manage the information we acquire about you during your visit to our website. We hold a legitimate interest in gathering the described data.

Should we decide to amend our website privacy policy, all modifications will be promptly posted on this site.

Data Protection

We automatically gather certain data regarding our users' browsing activities and patterns. This aggregated data does not identify any individual specifically but aids us in understanding user preferences, refining our website, and monitoring its usage.


Our website employs cookies, small pieces of information stored on your computer as files. These cookies enable access to restricted areas and facilitate usage monitoring by tracking accessed URLs and their sequence.

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