When does your academic year start?

  • For 2025, our academic year commences in January. Thereafter, it will be from last week of August.

How long is the application process and what does it involve?

  • The admissions process involves completing an application form and submitting essential documents such as a copy of the child's birth certificate or passport. Additionally, the school may conduct an assessment or interview to evaluate the child's readiness for the program and ensure a good fit. The typical duration for applications is 2-3 weeks. For a detailed step-by-step guide to the application process, click here

Can I apply from overseas?

  • We accept online applications through our website from May 2024 To apply, please click here

What are the admission requirements for Wellington College Independent School Jakarta?

  • For 2024-25, we are admitting children from age 3 to 6 years old. The evaluation is very flexible due to the age of the children. A teacher may organise a short meeting with the family, and completing all the necessary information of the child, such as vaccination and other health related questions.

What age groups are you accepting for the first intake?

  • For the first year of the school (in Sep 2024), we will have children in the early years group, ranging from ages 3 to 6.

How can I apply for admission?

  • Please click here to Apply

Do you offer scholarships or financial aid?

  • Not for early and preparatory years. We will only offer these to students in the older years.

What is the application deadline?

  • We welcome applications throughout the year. Please fill out the application form, and our admissions team will be glad to help you.

What is the tuition fee for Wellington College Independent School Jakarta?

  • Please click here for the full information on tuition fees.

What curriculum will the school be using?

  • We follow the English Early Years Foundation Stage Framework, ensuring a strong foundation for our young learners. Our curriculum is thoughtfully tailored to meet the needs of each child, integrating cultural elements and aligning with the standards set by the Indonesian Ministry of Education.

What language(s) will be used for instruction?

  • Our primary language will be English. Children will also learn Bahasa Indonesia, and Chinese, if they wish to take up a third language.

Are there language requirements or support services available for non-native English speakers?

  • Wellington College Independent School Jakarta offers language support services for non-native English speakers. We provide tailored English language programs and personalized assistance to help students integrate seamlessly into the English-speaking environment.

What are the class sizes like?

  • Class sizes range from 12 to 20 depending on the years.

What facilities does Wellington College Independent School Jakarta offer?

  • Uniquely designed learning spaces, Indoor garden spaces and play areas, communal areas for the school community to gather, specialized rooms for music, dance and sports, as well as a dedicated dining hall.

What extracurricular activities and enrichment programs will be available?

  • Our school provides a comprehensive co-curricular and enrichment program. We have a dedicated team of specialists in the Arts and Sports. We also collaborate with external providers to enable our students to learn special skills beyond the standard curriculum.

Can my child with diverse abilities join Wellington College Independent School Jakarta?

  • Wellington College Independent School Jakarta welcomes students with diverse abilities, including neurodivergence. We provide an inclusive environment for all students to thrive academically, socially, and emotionally. For more information on support services and the application process, please contact the admissions office directly or complete the enquiry form.

Is there a school uniform policy or dress code?

  • Students at Wellington College Independent School Jakarta will be required to wear the designated uniform, which applies to all age groups within the school.

How do I know which year my child should join Wellington College Independent School Jakarta?

  • Grade placement for students aligns with the regulations set forth by the Indonesian Ministry of Education, as outlined in the table below:

YEAR GROUP PLACEMENT: Children are placed according to their date of birth, relative to the academic year.

Age of Child Wellington College Independent School Jakarta Indonesia US
3+ Nursery Pre-School -
4+ Reception Kindergarten Pre-school
5+ Year 1 Kindergarten Kindergarten
6+ Year 2 SD Kelas 1 Grade 1
7+ Year 3 SD Kelas 2 Grade 2
8+ Year 4 SD Kelas 3 Grade 3
9+ Year 5 SD Kelas 4 Grade 4
10+ Year 6 SD Kelas 5 Grade 5
11+ Year 7 SD Kelas 6 Grade 6
12+ Year 8 SMP Kelas 7 Grade 7
13+ Year 9 SMP Kelas 8 Grade 8
14+ Year 10 SMP Kelas 9 Grade 9
15+ Year 11 SMA Kelas 10 Grade 10
16+ Year 12 SMA Kelas 11 Grade 11
17+ Year 13 SMA Kelas 12 Grade 12

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